Moellhausen, a leading company in fragrances and flavors, created a set of scents based on the twelve archetypes, but...
“What is an archetype?”
In the iconic New York, Mark from the back seat of a historical checkered cab looks at the city flowing through, giving a fascinating interpretation of what archetypes are.
"They are around us", he says looking at the people down the street on a rainy night, "They are among us", referring to the taxi driver that guides him through the night as a sage. "In most cases, we are", revealing that he’s an archetype himself.
In the iconic New York, Mark from the back seat of a historical checkered cab looks at the city flowing through, giving a fascinating interpretation of what archetypes are.
"They are around us", he says looking at the people down the street on a rainy night, "They are among us", referring to the taxi driver that guides him through the night as a sage. "In most cases, we are", revealing that he’s an archetype himself.
Client: Moellhausen
Director: Carlo De Agostini
Producer: Barbara Bongetta
Sound, Music Composer: Jan Sutti
Assistant Director: Jacopo Cairati
Lead Actor: Mark Thomas
Watermelon - Production + Post
Color Grading: The Mill
Thanks to: Peter Yannello (FilmCars), Samantha, Beatrice, Brenda, Theo, Victor
Director: Carlo De Agostini
Producer: Barbara Bongetta
Sound, Music Composer: Jan Sutti
Assistant Director: Jacopo Cairati
Lead Actor: Mark Thomas
Watermelon - Production + Post
Color Grading: The Mill
Thanks to: Peter Yannello (FilmCars), Samantha, Beatrice, Brenda, Theo, Victor