The channels La7/La7D schedule a very rich programming about cooking and receipts. They asked me to make a single spot that did't aim to promote only a specific TV show but the general "food attitude" of the channels.

The promo was also co-branded by Cubovision, the ondemand/anycast platform by Telecom Italia, so it also had to say that if you miss the program on TV you can watch it anytime you want and from any device, from a smartphone to a tablet and TV.
The promo features an enthusiastic cook that makes a lot of food following his favourite TV shows on a smartphone and a tablet, and revealing in the end that he is only cooking for his family. Payoff sais "fire up you cooking needs with La7 and La7D… also available on demand on cubovision".

Client: La7
Production and post: Watermelon
Audio: Daniele Carmosino