I was called for the third time to produce the contents of the Tim flagship shop and Tim advertising areas in the Fiumicino international airport in Rome, Italy.
The campaign included a videowall composed by 3x3 HD monitors, a few horizontal and vertical screens in the main area and other displays around the airport. Every monitor had its own content that we provided plus every 10 minutes an
animation that involved all of them, synchronized with music, effecting a surprising atmosphere to the passenger in transit.
Following the main content of the “sync moment” projected on the videowall (the only content with audio), then some of the single monitor.
Full credits to the great friends that worked with me nailing the very short deadline. Simone Giorgetta after effects and Cinema 4D, Sylwia Bernatowicz for the "TIM in viaggio pass" animation.
Client: TIM
Animation: Carlo De Agostini, Simone Giorgetta, Stefano Ottaviano, Sylwia Bernatowicz
Audio: Daniele Carmosino
Animation: Carlo De Agostini, Simone Giorgetta, Stefano Ottaviano, Sylwia Bernatowicz
Audio: Daniele Carmosino